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Page history last edited by Penny Turrentine 6 months, 3 weeks ago


College Reading & Learning Association (CRLA)


Learning Assistance Center Management (LACM)


Special Interest Group (SIG)






Welcome to the CRLA Learning Assistance Center Management SIG wiki.                                                     

  Here we will be able to get information relevant to learning center management,        collaborate and share resources in convenient and readily accessible formats.

  Please feel free to read the information provided and add your perspective.                                       


This is a collaborative "work-in-progress" and you can be an active participant 

 in making the wiki site valuable to you and others.





     In case you did not receive the March 2024 issue of the SIG newsletter,

     click on the SIG Newsletter link in the Sidebar.


         If you have never visited the LSCHE website, our recommendation is that you

      do so. We're sure you will want to bookmark it.




     Enjoy the series of Student Success Heroes podcasts from Engineerica: 






We encourage you to contribute to the development of our wiki. To join in our 

collaborative efforts, see below for intructions on editing any of the pages on this site.


Editing a Wiki Page   https://vimeo.com/4802078







If you have questions or cannot add to this site, please contact:


Penny Turrentine (pturrentine@pima.edu).






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